Gasoline killing plants

Does Gasoline Kill Weeds?

Does gasoline kill weeds? The short answer is yes. The long answer, however, is much more complicated than that simple three-letter word. So, this considered, we’re going to dive into the ins and outs of using gasoline to kill weeds.

Can Gasoline Kill Weeds?

The short answer to this question is yes. The next question to ask, however, is whether or not using gasoline as a herbicide is a best practice or something that should be used as a last resort. Like many things, there’s no clear answer, as it comes down to a matter of personal preference, priorities, and values.

Gasoline is commonly used to kill weeds, as you might have guessed. Many gardeners are fond of simply tossing some gasoline onto a weed and watching it wither away and die. Problem solved, right? Kind of. There are things that need to be considered when using gasoline as the method of choice for weed control.

Things to Consider Before Using Gasoline

Potential safety hazards

Both using and storing gasoline can be dangerous for gardeners. The liquid is highly flammable and quick to catch flame, which makes using it incredibly risky – especially around anything that gives off heat and could potentially ignite it.

Everything from cigarettes, heat lamps, electrical sparks, and hot engines have the potential to cause the lawn and surrounding area to go up in flames. Handling the liquid is dangerous too, as it gives off toxic vapors that can cause health problems, as well as irritate and burn the skin. Gloves and a mask should always be worn while applying the liquid.

Environmental damage

Gasoline kills weeds but does not stick to them exclusively. This means that when you pour gasoline on one plant, it’s likely to migrate to others. It also seeps into the ground and can harm the plants, animals, and insects within the dirt.

In addition, however, it can travel so far down that it’s able to pollute well water. You might think that you’d be able to tell if you are well water was polluted, but small amounts are often undetectable by the nose, meaning that you could potentially be drinking polluted water.

Gas station in the garden

How To Use Gasoline Properly?

Using a small amount of gasoline is safe, while generally, spraying an entire can on your lawn is not. When using gasoline, you’ll want to apply it on a cool day and avoid watering the area afterward, to ensure that it doesn’t migrate more than it would have originally.

Also, focus n spraying the weed and not the soil. Pets and children should be kept out of the area for at least 24 hours, too.

Gasoline should be stored in a cool, dry place, where it won’t get tipped over or get so hot that it becomes a fire hazard. Storing it away from the house is always a recommendation.